The Babygel Study is a cluster-controlled trial examining the impact of improving hand hygiene in rural Ugandan households using locally-produced alcohol-based hand gel.

The Babygel Study is a cluster-controlled trial examining the impact of improving hand hygiene in rural Ugandan households using locally-produced alcohol-based hand gel.

It will recruit 6000 participants from hard-to-reach communities in 72 villages in the Mbale and Budaka Districts of Eastern Uganda. In these villages, women will be given a birth Kit and half will be given BabyGel after delivery.

The gel is made locally in Uganda from sugar cane and, if the trial proves successful, it could be included in delivery packs for every expectant mother.

The study’s primary outcome measure will be severe infant illness or death in the first 90 days of life. We are planning to open the trial to recruitment in April 2020.


“This project is part of the EDCTP2 Programme supported by the European Union.”


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